What most people want, is something they dont really know. But they certainly know when something became better and they can hold it in their hand and experience it.
The same it will be with this device and everything else. It is hard to actually monitor yourself, your needs and your working procedure to really find out what you need to do to make it more efficient, in any way.
The first thought i had when i was asked how technology can influence education, i had to think about how technology helped education and gaining knowledge in the past. Naming them all would burst this post. But you can say in general it was portable and it was literally set into stone.
The possibilities with doing it digital is, that you can be faster and more efficient in some technical ways. Writing, copying, organizing gets really fast and mistakes get minimalized. The big chance i see is that you can now start concentrate to focus on what all this is about: the content.
For me this means that: When i open a book the words are there, i dont want to wait for the words. Typing must be as easy as possible (even better than the IPad). The machine needs to have more energy than me.
My handwriting is compatible to any surface with any pen, so it shall be with future technology.
I can give my notes to my collegues as fast as a handshake.
While exploring the wide wide web i was stumbling upon some great news. The Kno is real and will be in reality anytime next year. Why i am so happy about this device? Isnt it just something like every other eBook reader or tablet PC out there?
I do not think so, and that is because it has very fundamental differences. One of them is that it concentrates on editing content for a target group which have to do with knowledge professionally . Students, editors, teacher. All them do not want a tiny screen with kinky colors, fun games and paying for small apps who can’t do much at all.
While exploring its web presence i was offered to participate in the process of developing the device with writing a blog post with the question of how the future of education might look like. Here is what i shaked out of my head real quick:
I do not think so, and that is because it has very fundamental differences. One of them is that it concentrates on editing content for a target group which have to do with knowledge professionally . Students, editors, teacher. All them do not want a tiny screen with kinky colors, fun games and paying for small apps who can’t do much at all.
While exploring its web presence i was offered to participate in the process of developing the device with writing a blog post with the question of how the future of education might look like. Here is what i shaked out of my head real quick:

The same it will be with this device and everything else. It is hard to actually monitor yourself, your needs and your working procedure to really find out what you need to do to make it more efficient, in any way.
The first thought i had when i was asked how technology can influence education, i had to think about how technology helped education and gaining knowledge in the past. Naming them all would burst this post. But you can say in general it was portable and it was literally set into stone.
The possibilities with doing it digital is, that you can be faster and more efficient in some technical ways. Writing, copying, organizing gets really fast and mistakes get minimalized. The big chance i see is that you can now start concentrate to focus on what all this is about: the content.
For me this means that: When i open a book the words are there, i dont want to wait for the words. Typing must be as easy as possible (even better than the IPad). The machine needs to have more energy than me.
My handwriting is compatible to any surface with any pen, so it shall be with future technology.
I can give my notes to my collegues as fast as a handshake.
I sit into a library because i can concentrate very good in this atmosphere. If i use a digital device i don’t want to get distracted by blinking ads and kinky noises.
The future technology must take away the pain of writing and organizing weight carriage, ink, paper, battery power, and help focusing to consume, replicate, reproduce, connect, send what it is all about: the content.