Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 2

At the weekend of 25th to 27th „Startup Weekend Cologne“ is taking place in the betahaus Köln. 56 hours full of developing ideas. Developer, designer and business-people trying to solve problems and make the world a better place with apps, platforms or concepts.

On all three day I am on the event blogging live, collecting information and voices of the participants. To read this as a protocoll please start at the bottom.

This was Day 1.

For more information about Startup Weekend Cologne check out this artickle on NERDHUB: Startup Weekend Cologne Live!

Day 2 Saturday, 26th January 2013

Video of Day 2:

16:45 Uhr
I am done for now. A full wrap-up of Day 1 and 2 in pictures you can find on dawawas. Enjoy!
And i will continue blogging tomorrow at 13:00 Uhr. Thanks for your read and have a nice evening!

16:36 Uhr
Team picture on the stage with Andrew Hyde and the red shirts. Sounds like a BritPop Band: Andrew Hyde and the Redshirts.

16:18 Uhr
PitchKitchen have called Stefanie from solutionspace 2.0. They are using now the cafe in the solution space and try to find a cafe or something like that and they have allready one aplication. The application gets on the page and gets judged by the crowd. Not only the idea gets judged, but the business modell is based on crowd funding. These are the phases of that process:

16:12 Uhr
Returning to PitchKitchen as i was asked to. They are thankfull, that i asked them at the first place what they do. It helped them, it seems. At least they seem way more enthusiastic now. Sio that is what they have found out what they will do:


15:35 Uhr
Coffee for the reporter. See you in 30 Minutes.

15:09 Uhr
I sit to a women and a man who are working on their own project, actually two projects. Daniel Woyticzik, doing a project based on affiliate marketing but for swizzerland. This might be interesting, but not for me. As suddenly i discover a funny thing at gthe window: which is supposed to be the internet.  Oh, and there was this beautiful women.

14:53 Uhr
Project-Name: Team consists of 4 people, 2 are here, rest out of the building doing reserach: 3 non-technical one developer. Plattform for video-courses, wheree user have to pay for the videos. Content of the videos are  stitching in the first place. The difference to other youtube videos for example is quality and service. They want to provide in-video solution and commentary like you can see on soundcloud. Research is very important. The Plan is to make a mockup-page and ask people if they would use it. On Sunday they want to have reached the following goals: Presenting a tutorial video to show how it could look, probably a fake just to show how it could work. They think they have reached 30% allready. They also decided to analyze in the first place to find out if it could work instead of programm a functional tool as this might be done easily in a later process. On Facebook. And twitter.

14:39 Uhr
Project Name: Weekend Away, which is allready on Facebook. Idea is to create an app for sponti weekend travels. Over an api the customer is able to find hotel and flight for a trip with just one mouseclick. Problem which is supposed to be solved: Spontaneous weekend trips made easy. Team consists of 10 people, 4 Developer, 1 Designer, 5 Business-people. They have done researches and allready developing the app. Mockup is done. The answer of my question how much they have allready done leads to the following answer: When we have 80% time left until tomorrow we have 20% done.
Surveymonkey: Weekend Away

14:34 Uhr
Now is open Stage. Microsoft starts and is explaining what they are doing: Microsoft for free for Startups. They have even some slides prepared. About 15 people watching them. Well, thats it allready. Good enough: Music is turned on and some beats bringing up the mood!

14:21 Uhr
This Live-Blog will continue until 17:00 Uhr and will start on sunday, day 3 at 13:00 Uhr until the very end. So you wont lose anything from the final pitches. The plan for the next two hours is to talk to a few more groups and make some nice pictures.
If you want me to find something out or if you have any questions please let me know via Twitter, facebook, mail or Google + 

14:16 Uhr
While i was having a delicious Lunch, Andrew Hyde, founder of Startup Weekend was having a talk with Vidar and Stavros.

13:36 Uhr
Lunch time! People enjoying the rice and so will i. Just a small hint: Andrew Hyde, the founder of Startup Weekend is also here. Its the guy with the blue shirt in the front. Also check out my Podcast with him about how all started: Droid Boy Podcast Nr. 55 – Startup Weekend


12:58 Uhr
As i sit to the next group i canot overhear a clear swabian tongue. Clearly: Stuttgart. Name of the group: Oliomio.
Speaking to a guy and find out he is from microsoft but has nothing to do with the group, just informing himself. He is Martin, his job is responsible for the BizSpark programe in germany.
Finaly i can ask somebody from the group. They are selling oliveoil and withit livestyle. They are going direct into the countrys and buy the poil direct from the farmer. They just dont want to be another shop, but to transport livestyle. So it is also important to deliver a lot of background information and storify the product. Pack the story into foodblogs and to establish a bio-image.
He is Christian and coming from Heidelberg. Stuttgart is near, but he missed Startup Weekend Stuttgart so he wanted to join us in cologne. He is doing business development for small business in real live. He is enjoying his first startup weekend very much, good spirit, good networking.
Status of the product aproximately 30% of what they want to show sunday evening.
Two coaches from railslove are doing some coaching atm.

12:50 Uhr
Name of the group: (formerly known as upcyclr) so they allready made some change to the name.
Its about a marketplace for high-quality upcycling products. Not about the material but the finished products. They are allready on Twitter, Facebook.
They feel themselves at 40% of developing the prototype. They seem to be pretty relaxed and confident. Amazon for high-quality upcycling products. There are criterias for the products, so not every product can be sold. No mass-assembling, no unique piece, something in between. Marketplace for designers, serious guys, no hobby-portal like dawanda. Production-process must be scalable.
The team has 4 members, all from germany, one from munich. Just as i finish up my writing a 5th member joins them back. It seems he was checking out what the others are doing. The other team member are a bit suprised he is coming back.

12:41 Uhr
Name of the group: Riddle Shrimp . They allready have a facebook group and a twitter account. They are sitting a bit seperate in a room with a door, so its not so loud in here. Members feel the same. the group consists of 4 men and 3 women.
Riddle Shrimp is a game where people upload pictures and people have to guess what is on the picture. Business-Modell would be over advertising. Later maybe companies can send pictures to place a product.
They are still in the determining phase and splitting tasks. Survey of the market and preperation for the presentation tonight. Finding pictures for the Design.
They dont need anything in special but continue working and so i leave them allone.

12:32 Uhr 
Name of the group: PitchKitchen. Having 6 members and having a good feeling about the project. After speaking to two members of the group they found out, thaht they have no clue about what the project is about. Something about crowdfunding-plattform for bars and restaurants. One participants was almost harsh about what to tell. He feared people would understand it wrong.

12:31 Uhr
Experiencing heavy problems with the internet now and i am thinking to stop live blogging. Lets try a second attempt. No time to lose for reporters too!

12:07 Uhr
Group: Drive This. Plattform fore Cars, facebook for car-entusiasts.  Post photos and stuff like this. They need a designer in the first place.

12:04 Uhr
Meeting Stephan Pavlovic, he is coach and working at Railslove. He is Expert for Userexperience and has talked to one group. First thing he was thinking entering the building: coffee! He was having a party with a friend celebrating birthday.

11:56 Uhr 
All groups have taken some space in the betahaus. The wals are full of mockups, first business canvas are filled with concepts.  One Hour to Lunch and time is running.
In one group i sensed some tensions. „Some people need two days to make a Power Point Presentation.“ „But this is startup Weekend, we dont have time.“
First reports of slow internet-connection. No wonder, there is so much hardware laying arround and people use the internet to find information which they need to polish their ideas.

11:18 Uhr
Riddle Shrimp wants to achieve a working app at the end of the weekend and a business modell.

11:15 Uhr
The teams have the chance to speak up on the stage and tell what they have allready achieved and what do they need to be successfull.
The teams need manpower.“LIving-Picture“ has allready a very clear concept, with the position of buttons, mockup of the page and more.


11:12 Uhr
Vidar and Stavros are giving a small introduction what to do and waht not. „“At least 20% of your team should leave the building.“ says Stavros.

11:04 Uhr
Arrived at betahaus at 10 and there was everything set up allready: Breakfast, drinks and sunshine. After i had a „Salami-Brötchen“ I configured NERDHUB and Droid Boy Blog. I am ready to go.

So what can you expect from Day 2? After yesterday the ideas had the chance to get selected, today teams will built up and start working on their ideas. A few coaches have been seen allready. So mainly today will be just work with breaks to eat and chill out. For an accurate schedule check out this link: Startup Weekend Cologne Schedule.

1 Comments Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 2

  1. Pingback: Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 3 | Droid Boy

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