Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 1

Vom 25. bis 27. Januar findet das erste Startup Weekend Cologne im betahaus statt. In 56 Stunden versuchen über 100 Entwickler, Designer und Business-Menschen in Dreierteams neue Ideen zu entwickeln.

Ich bin für euch an allen drei Tagen dabei und werde versuche live zu berichten. Wer diesen Thread als Protokoll verwenden möchte, sollte sich von unten nach oben lesen.

Day 1 Friday, 25th January 2013:

Video of Day 1:

22:43 Uhr Day 1 of Startup Weekend Cologne ends now. Last call to all participants from Stavros to built teams, built a product and having fun. Tomorrow starts at 9.
I will continue reporting at 10 tomorrow for Day 2.

22:36 Uhr
Again, Stavros is saying what is most important at Startup Weekend Cologne: The Team. And the audience yells: fun!

22:31 Uhr
Stavros is calling the winning teams on the stage. I will report in detail about the teams tomorrow. The one with the most votes is: „Weekend away“

These are the chosen Ideas for the Startup Weekend Cologne:

22:28 Uhr
Its late, but rows are still filled. Following up: Idea selection & Team building.

21:26 Uhr
The participants are now meandering to all the pitches and giving their votes. The conference room gets some fresh air. All windows open, getting cold!


21:10 Uhr
Break for about 30 Minutes.
After the break the voting will take place. Everyone has three votes. The Ideas are in the next room.

21:04 Uhr
36th pitch: An Emailsoftware which will help you which email you read based on people which allready have sent you akils and you read them.
35th pitch: Device which mutes everything!
35th pitch: A Button which makes ALL your devices silent, good for situations like speaking with a sensitive costumer.
34th pitch: Plattform for climbers which shows the difficult sections of the mountain.
33rd pitch: Kids in Danger! Panic Button for the mobile phone for kids. Finding your child when its in danger.
32nd pitch: All my shopping is online. Synchronisation of TV and online Adverts, realtime advertising api
31st pitch: 3d printing is coming. Rent a romm in staples and put scanners in there. you take orders from scannning centers and than you print them.
30th pitch: Service, which notifys me when something changes in the internet. Like a product, which is not available. Like a webservice.
29th pitch: (Sorry, didnt understand whats it about)
28th pitch: Online Community  for outdoor people. With a big portion of social like sharing places where people can sleep for free.
27th pitch: Service for automatic changing your real life adress.
26th pitch: Finding camping places, where can you eat, find cool places. Name: start camping.
25th pitch Riddle Shrimp. Guess what is on the picture and who guess it gets the shrimp. Winner can send new riddle.
24th pitch: Radiator App. Indformatiomn radiator app. Something like Gecko board. But has problems.
23th pitch: Plattform where sports-teams can pitch to find sponsors. Name: SLS, Sponsore Local Sports.
22th pitch: Skill trading plattform. Match up with somebody who can teach me. Plattform.
21th pitch: About shoe polish. Where are the mashines to polish the shoes.
20th pitch: Onebit. Online Marketplace. Wait for your price you want to buy.
19th pitch: New Market: New long-distant buses which is a problem for Deutsche Bahn. Idea: Connect all mobility offers so that the customer can choose
18th pitch: Learning PLattform which is capable of slow down when the learner needs it.
17th pitch: Research funding area is a huge market. Projects need communication. Professionalize communication for reserachers.
16th pitch: Plattform, where you get a reward for answering things on facebook like: I am seeking a new flat, who knows somebody who … Name: RwrdME
15th pitch: An App which chooses for you everything when you want to travel. It books the flight, the hotel aso.
14th pitch: Plattform for upcycling products: Upcyclr.
13th pitch: eCommerce Site for nutrition.
12th pitch: Its hard to do a cafe, to many problems. Cafe-academy: One-Hit-Wonder.
11th pitch: a way to help struggling startups (hard to understand, came from india)
1oth pitch: MyTaxi app for doctors. To never sit any longer at the doctor for hours.
9th pitch: We need to focus on small to medium size business to give them an inventory system, they need auditing and reports. Enterprise software.
20:26 Uhr

8th pitch: Starting a plattform for students to buy students online like products on ebay.
7th pitch: A system to sketch an Event. Where are the people and what respources do you need?
6th Pitch: Create a thing called living picture. Instagram will be history after this weekend. We will bring life in pictures. Something between still picture and video. He needs designer and developer as he can only drink beer.
5th Pitch: Social Network for Cars. MyCar.
4th pitch: Email is broken. Take one aspect of the problem and fix it, not like google wave, to make email better for everybone.
3rd pitch: A Plattform which provides the background story about great products. Whatt makes stavros feta taste so good?
Second Pitch: Music, Indepentenc artist, Redesign Music experience of Musiclisteners of all the world. Plattform for the artist, to connect in easy way to listeners, make it possibvle to business to find music.
First Pitch: I havent understood the idea TBH!

20:22 Uhr
Stavros is now about stealing ideas. He trys to convince everybody to share the ideas. But his message is also that it doesnt matter. It is also about how the idea gets set into reality.
He is now explainig how pitching works and what is important if you want to have people joining you with the idea. Stavros commands all having an idea to pitch to built a line in the middle. The pitches will start any minute.


20:15 Uhr
Stavros invites the crowd to play „Rock, Paper, Scissors“ with the left neighbour. Its loud! Yelling all arround, who will be last man standing?

20:06 Uhr
The Game is over.
Stavros is now explaining how Pitching of ideas and voting is working. It is important that an idea has enough people.
Too many people are standing right infront of my face, so iucant see the slides of stavros and he is speaking way to fast to understand everything.

19:55 Uhr
Groupwork is over and all partiipants are taking place again. The Groups are pitching now. They are about skunks, Greeks, a cure for cancer and about mustache. Fun!

19:35 Uhr
Now total chaos breaks lose. Stavros commands that everybody stand up, finds its number and than take a seat again. After a while everybody sits again, hard to get them quiete again. Thats the game: The head of each team took 3 words from the one gathered before. The challenge is to make a startup and pitch in 10 Minutes, which should have anything a pitch has.

19:28 Uhr
Stavros is introducing the coaches and explains the rules: Do not disturb them while they are talking to somebody, as they will have a lot to do. The rule is to book a slot with them or contact them via mail.
And now it is time for „potatoe bake“ which means to count through the crowd. Everybody gives itsself a number. But first the crowd throughs gives a lot of random words. It gets a bit dirty, and nerdy: Star wars and Dildo. Fights, Failure, profit, success, skunk, mustache, flow, laughter, alcohol, flawless, satisfaction and so on.

19:25 Uhr
Now Anu from betahaus Köln is able to say something to the crowd. She is sponsoring the location where the Startup Weekend Cologne is happening right now.

19:17 Uhr
Now its time for the local sponsors to speak up. Tobias from DG-i is introducing himself and his company and wants to help out if help is needed.
Ruben is here with his college, which is also Greece and they are Layers from Osborne & Clarke. They are also the sponsors of the first price.

19:11 Uhr
Stavros is now showing the sponsors, without them SW wouldn’t be possible. They all have been startups, he says.
Somebody from Microsoft is spontaneously explaining what Microsoft BizSpark is, as it belongs it the sponsors.
Now Jasmin from .co is introducing herself and her company.

19:09 Uhr
Stavros is now explaining what Startup Weekend is, who it founded (Andrey Hyde) and showing a map, where the attendees can see where a Startup Weekend is happening right now, too. About 8.

19:04 Uhr
What ist Startup Weekend about? About building Bussinesses? A little bit, says Stavros.

19:02 Uhr
Gathering words for why are we here: Team, fun, changing the world, learn stuff. The crowd is in good mood, react fast to stavros with laughters.

19:00 Uhr
Stavros is introducing himself. Father of two sons, one of them was a mascote in a winning team at a Startup Weekend. He built a startup four years ago and was successfull.

18:57 Uhr
Vidar Andersen introduces Stavros. Vidar announces, that Startup Weekend Cologne is soldd out.  Stavros takes over and asks who is a developer, designer and bussiness-guys and gals.
The Hashtag is .

18:51 Uhr
Stavros wants everybody to take a seat. Its so loud because of the discussions and the rows are full. Great showup-rate.

18:43 Uhr
The DJ has arrived. Nice Dubstep coming out of the speakers. The sandwiches get eaten und the chattering has started. In about 15 minutes Startup Weekend officially starts und about 75% of the participants have arrived.


18:20 Uhr
Silence on the first floor. They are all grabbing sandwhiches at „betabüdchen“ the betahaus cafe.

18:15 Uhr
The always actualized schedule you find under .
I will now change my position to where the initial pitches will start. The pitches might take a while as the organizer hope that there will about 10 to 15 groups forming up.

18:07 Uhr
There have been small changes to the schedule which are now actualized on NERDHUB. Check put this article for more information like Hashtag.

17:57 Uhr
Changing Language: English. Getting full. First people coming in and enjoy the location allready.

17:15 Uhr
Stellung bezogen und den Platz eingerichtet. Es kann losgehen. Momentan ist noch alles leer, aber gleich strömen hier 115 Teilnehmer aus 7 Nationen herein.

Startup Weekend Cologne wird nur zu einem Teil im eigentlichen betahaus Köln stattfinden. Gegenüber auf der gleichen Etage ist momentan noch freier Raum, der evtl. einmal zum betahaus hinzugehören soll.


16:50 Uhr
Mitten in den Vorbereitungen. Sitze im betabüdchen, dem Cafe des betahauses und hier werden massenhaft Getränke in den Aufzug geschoben.
Eben waren wohl die Wollnys da. Beweisfoto.

2 Comments Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 1

  1. Pingback: Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 2 | Droid Boy

  2. Pingback: Startup Weekend Cologne – Day 3 | Droid Boy

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